Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dollhouse Decorating - Choose Color Wisely

Your dollhouse or room box needs to follow the same decorating rules as a real house. Light colors tend to open up a room, making it seem lighter and more spacious.

Dark hues can add depth and warmth. Using a dark color on a single accent wall creates visual interest, without making the room feel smaller.

A warning about white walls and ceilings: pay special attention to how surrounding elements will reflect light and alter the color. For example, red furniture or carpeting might make white walls look pink. This is especially true in a room box, as there is mostly reflected light present.

Blue can give the room a cool feeling; it can also make it look cold. A blue wall will give a cool bluish-white cast to the whole room, as in the picture below. The reflected light gives everything in the bathroom, especially the ceiling, a bluish cast, destroying the desired contrasts.

So remember: choose color wisely.

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