Monday, March 16, 2015

Dollhouse Decorating – Patterns in Dollhouse Decorating

When you are painting, wallpapering and making tiny things for your dollhouse, be aware of what patterns you are using ... do they do justice to the room. Here are a few guidelines for combining patterns in a small space.

Think about using a large, medium, and small pattern in the room. You could start with a tiny print in the wallpaper or sofa or bed or some other large area. A medium print with coordinating colors in the curtains, or chair or smaller area. Finish with a big bold print on some throw pillows or a small accent wall or other small area.

Coordinating the colors in these prints is critical. The main color should be repeated in each fabric, but not necessarily in the quantity. The minor colors can be different, but having the same undertones. Autumn colors together, cool colors together, is the way to go.

Think about the type of print as well. Small print could be tiny flowers; medium a plaid; large a circle or square pattern. All of the disparate sizes need not be and probably shouldn’t be the same type of print. Don’t use all flowers or all plaids.

A “theme” room would be the exception. Let’s say you grow flowers and you want a garden room that has flowers everywhere. Then all flower prints would be appropriate. But that would be exception. Too much of a good thing, etc.

And don’t forget solid colors. With all those prints going on, solids make a good background and show off the pattern even more gloriously.

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